
A Team is Stronger when they work together




5 - 8 grades

Did anyone say FOOTBALL?  If you enjoy the opportunity of kicking the ole soccer ball around with your friends, this is the sport for you.  We offer both boys and girls the opportunity to play soccer in the fall.  In previous years, we have combined our teams due to lower enrollment.


How Teams are Created

Teams are driven by enrollment.  The more people that enroll, the more  teams we can create.  I do look at age groups, and try to keep teams within one grade of each other as bodies grow a lot within two years.  Sometimes we have to combine teams by grade, sometimes we combine teams by gender.

fussball / soccer


Earlier the better

Teams are submitted BEFORE school starts so make sure to sign up in JUNE to insure team availability.  Players can expect up to three events per week.  Two practices and a game or two games and a practice.  We try to have practices either right before school or directly after school.  Games times are set through the CAA (Catholic Athletic Association)  and are posted early September.  Practice times will not be know until after school starts.  Most people are able to make school sports and club sports work.